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The year 2022 was a time of growth and launching new solutions for GAMIVO. Most importantly, the company achieved the main goal presented at the beginning of the year – improving its profitability.

In early 2022, GAMIVO revealed that increasing the company’s profitability would be its leading purpose this year. It also publicized a list of activities leading to achieving this goal. GAMIVO, among other things, announced the launch of the improved CPS system that would allow suppliers to reach clients more efficiently as well as monetize them better. In May, after a series of successful tests, the new offer promotion system became available to all suppliers. They received it very warmly. The Korean version of the platform was launched in the same month.

The new language, along with the growing number of payment methods, is a step toward providing the most comfortable shopping experience possible. The platform also introduced other improvements to meet users’ expectations. For instance, the upgraded search engine was revealed in December. Moreover, GAMIVO refreshed the main page and product pages of its platform. The new layout is focused on improving both the user experience and SEO.

Automatization is the key to business scaling.

Enhancing the chatbot that assists the GAMIVO support team was also vital in 2022. It took over 60 percent of all text conversations with customers. As a result, the growing number of users hasn’t forced an increase in employment. It’s also worth mentioning that the number of GAMIVO registered users increased by nearly 20 percent in the first three quarters of 2022. Acquiring new customers is essential, but taking care of their retention is equally significant. Hence, the company added further benefits to the GAMIVO SMART subscription service and launched a loyalty program called the GAMIVO Club. Its reveal was one of the main elements of celebrating GAMIVO’s 5th anniversary in September.

Cooperation with renowned brands was another reason for the significant increase in the number of users. For example, in 2022, GAMIVO executed two very successful marketing campaigns with Żabka Polska. Collaborations with video game developers such as Plarium and Wargaming were also crucial for building brand awareness.

This is, of course, only a part of the activities that allowed GAMIVO to achieve outstanding financial results in 2022. Reports for the first three quarters show that the company has raised its turnover, revenues, and net profit. The latter increased by 50 percent compared to the same period in 2021. It’s worth emphasizing that the company achieved such results despite the fact that the number of major AAA releases, especially in the second and third quarters, was significantly lower than expected. It proves that GAMIVO’s business model is resistant to stagnation.

“The year 2022 was a significant test for us. Despite the lack of fuel in the form of AAA releases, we were able to achieve very ambitious goals. The credit goes to the entire GAMIVO team, which worked hard to complete all our key projects. We look to the future with optimism and believe that the year 2023 can be even better”, said GAMIVO CEO Mateusz Śmieżewski.