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Trigon Brokerage House has recently published its new equity research on GAMIVO. The analytics invariably recommend buying GAMIVO stock. Moreover, they have raised the target price to PLN 162.

In its equity research published in July 2022, Trigon suggested buying GAMIVO stock. The analysts have maintained this recommendation and consecutively raised the target price in their following reports. The latest update hasn’t changed this trend. In the equity research published on April 24, 2023, Trigon raised the target price to PLN 162.

Let us recall that the last year was exceptional for GAMIVO. The company reported a turnover of PLN 232 million, revenues of PLN 44 million, and a net profit of PLN 7 million. All those results were notably better than the year before. Particularly noteworthy is the net profit, which increased by 115 percent.

The beginning of 2023 has been very promising for GAMIVO. The company conducted joint marketing campaigns with its partners, including Żabka, Wargaming, and PayPal. Moreover, Hogwarts Legacy broke GAMIVO’s record for the most pre-ordered video game. Such an exceptional result was achieved thanks to comprehensive marketing activities that took advantage of the potential of a game set in the Harry Potter universe.