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GAMIVO has been paying a lot of attention to improving the platform’s SEO. Implementing canonical URLs is another essential improvement toward search engine optimization.

Constantly taking care of the visibility of its website is crucial for every e-commerce company, especially since Google’s algorithms change from time to time. As a result, measures that were successful in the past might not be enough.

No wonder GAMIVO puts a lot of effort into SEO, and search engine optimization projects are among the company’s priorities in 2022. Even though those changes are remarkably significant, most of them are technical improvements that are invisible to users. However, some of them can be seen with the naked eye. For instance, at the turn of March and April, GAMIVO launched its new product page. It was designed to make the platform more friendly to both users and search engines. The refreshed, clearer main page, introduced in July, was another noticeable modification.

In the meantime, GAMIVO has been working on another essential improvement – implementing canonical URLs. Why is it so crucial? 

“Virtually every online store or marketplace selling different variants of the same product faces duplicate internal content issues. It means that many sites within one domain feature the same content. Canonical URLs resolve this issue by informing Google which of the twin sites should take precedence,” explains the GAMIVO CMO Bartłomiej Skarbiński.

Those changes are not exclusively visible to search engines as they help users switch between different versions of the same product. 

“We’re already receiving positive feedback from our users. Although, we have to wait a little longer for the SEO effects because they don’t appear overnight, said Bartłomiej Skarbiński.

Currently, over 4 million registered users use GAMIVO. SEO improvements should help increase this already remarkable number, as the players will have a better chance of visiting the platform via Google.