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The Management Board of GAMIVO S.A., regarding current EBI report No. 12/2024 of 21 May 2024, informing on the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of the Company on the approval of the Company’s share buyback, and concerning current ESPI report No. 9/2024 of 27 May 2024, informing on the adoption by the Company’s Management Board of the Regulations of the GAMIVO S.A. share buyback program, announces that on 28 May 2024, the Board of Directors decided to commence the purchase of the Company’s own shares by inviting tenders for the sale of the Company’s shares under the following conditions:

1. The subject of the Invitation is 80,000 (eighty thousand) dematerialized series A, series B, and Series C ordinary bearer shares with a nominal value of PLN 0.10 each, issued by the Company and registered by the National Depository for Securities under ISIN code PLGMV0000016, which constitute approx. 4.29% of the Company’s share capital and entitle to exercise approximately 4.29% of the total number of votes at the Company’s general meeting. (hereinafter: the Shares).

2. The proposed purchase price of the Shares is PLN 100.00 (one hundred zloty) per Share.

3. Schedule of the Invitation:

– Date of publication of the Invitation: 28 May 2024,

– Date of commencement of acceptance of offers for sale: 29 May 2024,

– Closing date for acceptance of offers for sale: 11 June 2024 (by 5:00 PM CET),

– Expected date of transfer of shares and settlement of the transaction: 14 June 2024.

4. Trigon Dom Maklerski S.A. is the intermediary in the execution and settlement of the Invitation (hereinafter: the Brokerage House).

The full text of the Invitation constitutes an annex to this current report and will be available on the Issuer’s website and will also be available at customer service points and on the Brokerage’s website during the acceptance period.